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Criminal Defence Costs Incurred Solely for Purposes of Trade

Only expenses that are incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of trade can be deducted from a business's tax liabilities. That threshold is, to say the least, a demanding one but, as a First-tier Tribunal (FTT) ruling showed, it is not...

This is What Can Happen If You Fail to Keep Proper Tax Records

Keeping proper tax records may be time consuming and laborious, but a failure to do so can have disastrous consequences in the event of a visit by an officer of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). A company found that out to its cost after failing to convince...

Tax Evasion May Put Employment Rights in Jeopardy

Tax evaders rarely understand the potential consequences of their wrongdoing. That was certainly so in the case of two cab drivers who underdeclared their earnings to the tax authorities and, in doing so, came perilously close to sacrificing any claim they...

Employee or Self-Employed Partner? Guideline Tax Tribunal Ruling

When discerning whether an individual is an employee or a self-employed partner in a professional firm, judges look beyond the label attached to their engagement and focus on the reality of the relationship. A tax tribunal ruling provided a prime example of...

Received an Adverse Tax Decision? Don't Delay Seeking Professional Advice

If you are on the receiving end of an adverse tax decision, any delay in seeking legal advice can be fatal to your cause. In a case on point, an importer of mobility scooters came dangerously close to losing its right of appeal against six-figure tax...

Hotel Management Company Director Pays Personal Price for VAT Default

If your company is trading in default of its tax obligations, the corporate veil may very well afford you no protection against the financial consequences. The sole director and shareholder of a hotel management company that failed to register for VAT found...

Chinese Restaurant Sees Off Tax Authorities in Takings Suppression Dispute

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) officers wield great power but are not immune from error and, with the right legal advice, their decisions can sometimes be overturned. In one case, a Chinese restaurant accused of systematically under-declaring its takings was...

'Seriously Incompetent' Company Director Receives Four-Year Disqualification

Many companies admirably soldier on through cash flow difficulties, but it is the mark of a competent director to know when to pull the plug. A businessman who left that decision far too late was banned for four years from being a director or otherwise...

Mutual Obligation, Substitution and Control - Guideline IR35 Ruling

When deciding whether a worker is employed or self-employed for tax purposes, the principal factors taken into account are mutuality of obligation, the level of control in the relationship and a person's ability to substitute someone else to perform their...

Cautionary Tale Illustrates the Necessity of Professional Tax Advice

A Court of Appeal case concerning a businessman who was on the receiving end of an unexpected six-figure tax demand served as a cautionary tale that graphically illustrated the importance of seeking specialist advice before entering into commercial deals...
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